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- <h3 align="center"><font color="red">Shop online with Eyetech</font></h3>
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- <font size="-1">You can now search our catalogue and order online. Our secure server means
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- <font size="-1">Check out our AmigaOne section for full information on our latest piece
- of Classic Amiga hardware.<br>
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- <font size="-1">Browse the Eyetech support database, for helpful hints
- on hardware configuration and system maintenance.<br>
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- <font size="-1">Got any questions / comments? Here is our full contact information.<br>
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- Eyetech now offer you the increased convenience of online ordering.
- You may search our entire catalogue for the item you want, and simply
- click on it to add it to your shopping basket. To check your basket
- at any time, click the small shopping basket icon at the top right of
- every page.
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- At any time before confirming your order, you may add, remove or
- update items in your shopping basket. When you are ready to place the
- order, you only need give us your credit card details and the order
- will be processed. You may check on the status of any orders you have
- placed at any time.<p><h4>Logging in</h4>You may have noticed the
- Login button at the top of each page. You don't need to login to
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- will not pass your address to anyone else or send you "spam". If you
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- <font size="-1">This is where you can find the latest news announcements and developments from
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- Use our new search engine to find whatever you need<br>
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- <font size="-1">Obtain the latest drivers for your Amiga hardware from our download database<br>
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- <a href="http://www.eye-play.com"><img src="newlogo/games.gif" width="105" height="76" alt="Games" border="0"></a><br>
- <font size="-1">Looking for the latest Amiga games? Or maybe you are after a publisher? If so, check out
- our games division - Eye-Play<br>
- <a href="http://www.eye-play.com">More...</a>
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- <a href="ordering.php"><img src="newlogo/shipping.gif" width="55" height="72" alt="Shipping" border="0"></a><br>
- <font size="-1">Click here to see our ordering and shipping arrangements and terms of sale<br>
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